An energy audit in hotels reveal that electric deep friers, electric ovens, Bain maries, microwaves come second after water heating in high consumption of electricity. If not checked, these appliances will continue impacting negatively your profit margin.
Our barbeque king series forms our range of advanced roasting charcoal fueled stoves. These are multi functional and combine cooking, roasting, baking and food warming. They can also be fitted with our super combined water heater to provide hot water to Bain maries and for your entire kitchen.
Water heating constitutes of more than 60% of your monthly electricity bills. Because of the country’s high electricity tariffs which are amongst the highest in the world – (US $ 0.14 per KWH by 2005). More and more people are looking for other cheaper and more efficient alternatives of heating water.
If you are in the hotel industry, running a boarding institution, or in your own residential house, you must brace yourself for frequent power shortages, and the fact that the cost electricity in this country will not get any better. It is necessary therefore to invest on a hot water system which is both reliable and sustainable. Before you pay your next bill, pause a little and ask yourself, for how long will your business sustain these high electricity bills. Botto-Solar has the solutions for you. Infact talking to us is long overdue.
Hot water showers in schools, colleges, universities, private academies etc is no longer a luxury. Constant cold water bathing and especially in Primary Boarding Schools with small children is doubtless a receipe for constant upper respiratory ailments, sometimes leading to cases of acute pneumonia. Many water borne diseases such as typhoid can be eliminated by having boiled water cooled for safe drinking.
In an effort to reduce electricity bills many people have tried instant electric showers. The minimum consumption of each instant shower is 3000 watts per hour. A hotel with 30 self contained rooms would consume (3000w x 30) i.e. 90,000 watts per hour. If hot showers are taken twice daily, power consumption also doubles.
The above draw backs on instant shower units makes them very temporal, unreliable and expensive to maintain.
Botto-Solar Ltd. has designed and developed one of the most cost effective non electric hot water systems ever designed in Kenya.
We can design the most complex hot water systems for hotels, residential houses, hospitals, schools, or any other place where hot water may be required. Botto-Solar Mega Hot water systems are fueled by firewood, which is the cheapest fuel available in Kenya.
Our Mega hot water systems consume very little firewood and can withstand heads of more than 200ft.
We can replace all your numerous instant shower units and boilers with a single Mega 1000 Turbo System capable of heating 1000 ltrs of water in less than 60 minutes consuming only 15-20 kgs of dry firewood. This is much faster than electric boiler heating a quarter of the above capacity.
Our mega 500 ltrs system can heat 500 ltrs of water in only 30 minutes consuming only 6-8 kgs of dry firewood. This is adequate water for daily hot steaming showers for a flat of six families.
The combustion process in our Mega Hot Water Systems is so complete that instead of smoke, only hot air gases are emitted.
For maximum thermal efficiency, all our hot water cylinders are insulated and covered with an external steel casing. This ensures hot water storage for 24 hours.
With a saving of 50-70% compared with electric boilers, Our mega hot water systems are a total solution to all your hot water requirements.
Send us a message or request for quotation.